Section: New Results

Public administration and intermediation platforms

Building on the sucess of platforms such as Uber and the analyses of their externalities, we study the potential role of platforms in public administration. Indeed, cities such as Boston exhibit the interest of a collaboration between administrations and platforms in city planning and maintenance. We also address the role of platforms at a wider level as we study cases such as the settlement of the right to be forgotten in Europe. Our work benefits from the collaboration with administrations, such as Lyon metropole and social scientists. In particular, we have designed three possible scenarii of collobation between platforms and institutions:

  • Coexistence: platforms and institutions ignore themselves;

  • Conflict: the services developped by platforms conflict with existing policies and institutional practices;

  • Partenership: platforms and institutions partner around the development and promotion of services.

A working group has been established on digital sovereignty with CLTC, Center for Long Term Cybersecurity at UC Berkeley, Chaire Castex at Ecole Militaire, and Dice. This working group aims at getting a better understanding of the concept as well as the discrepancy of perception on both sides of the Atlantic. A first seminar was organised in Les Houches in december 2015.

This is work in progress with both academic and public administration actors.